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Goodbye expensive metal and plastic things.

Over the weekend, both Clara and I cleared our loft space, ready for the oncoming roof replacement. Among the countless empty boxes, camping equipment, dusty gaming books was a huge horde of old PCs and related parts. It had always been my intention to go through the stuff, identify the good stuff so I could sell it or give it away. It didn't happen. Instead, everything was dumped at the local tip. It's a terrible shame but I'm not going to let it nip me, I'd had years to sort it all out, but it was never worth my time. 

Red 5 Going in (to the second bag)

Noah's main birthday present came out, on Saturday morning. Lego X-wing!

"All the pieces matter" - Lester Freamon (The Wire)

"Stay on target" - Gold Five, Davis Krail (Star Wars: A New Hope)

Roof Replacement

On Monday we found out that the work is delayed until next Monday. It's not a big problem for us, although we are eager to get the work done.


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